Terms and Conditions

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 (Purpose)
These terms and conditions relate to the services provided by P2PCOIN through the mobile web. The purpose is to stipulate matters regarding the rights, obligations, and responsibilities between P2PCOIN and users, as well as procedures for user service use.

Article 2 (Specification, effect and change of terms and conditions)
1. P2PCOIN posts these terms and conditions on the Internet site (http://p2pcoin.kr) so that users and those who wish to use the service can understand them. Post to screen.
2. If P2PCOIN revises these terms and conditions, the date of application of the revised terms and the reason for revision shall be specified and the date of application shall be from 7 days prior to the date of application. Notice will be given by the method of paragraph 1 above by the day before. However, if the terms and conditions are changed unfavorably to the user, at least 30 days We will notify you with a grace period in advance.
In this case, P2PCOIN clearly compares the contents before and after revision and displays them so that users can easily understand them.
3. These terms and conditions are the basic terms of the service use agreement established between P2PCOIN and the user. P2PCOIN may provide information regarding specific services when necessary. Matters to be applied (hereinafter referred to as “operating policies”) can be determined and announced in advance.
If a user agrees to this operating policy and uses a specific service, the operating policy takes priority and these terms and conditions apply. It has a supplementary effect. Paragraph 2 above applies mutatis mutandis to changes in operating policy.

Article 3 (Relationship with related laws)
1. Matters not specified in these terms and conditions or operating policy shall be governed by the provisions of relevant laws and general commercial practices.
2. When using the services provided by P2PCOIN, users must comply with the ‘Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.’, ‘Framework Act on Electronic Commerce’, Comply with related laws such as the ‘Consumer Protection Act’, ‘Act on Fair Labeling and Advertising’, and ‘Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.’ You must comply with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, and you cannot claim immunity for violations of relevant laws and regulations.

Article 4 (Types of Services)
The services that P2PCOIN provides to users are as follows:
1. Bulletin board and related software for P2P transactions
P2PCOIN is a mobile application that allows users to transfer coins under their control to other users and users under certain conditions. We provide the necessary bulletin board and related software services to enable direct mutual transactions by selecting transaction terms.

Article 5 (Definition of Terms)
You can check the definitions of terms used in these Terms and Conditions on the page below.

Article 6 (Nature and purpose of service)
P2PCOIN does not sell coins to users or purchase coins from users, but only based on each user's own decision. We only provide tools that promote the safety and reliability of transactions. Responsibilities related to transactions established between users are the parties to the transaction. Users must bear the burden themselves.
P2PCOIN is not responsible for problems arising from direct transactions between users that do not go through the convenience functions provided by P2PCOIN.

Chapter 2 Service Use Agreement

Article 7 (Service Use Agreement)
1. The use agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “use agreement”) regarding the services provided by P2PCOIN is entered into by the person who wishes to use the service. If you fill out the user information according to the registration form set by P2PCOIN and express your intention to agree to these terms and conditions, P2PCOIN is established by viewing this as an application for use and accepting it.
2. Only one ID can be used per phone number, and use contracts are concluded on a per ID basis. It is done in principle.
3. Anyone wishing to use the service must provide their actual information when applying for use in Paragraph 1. If this is not done, the user will not be able to receive legal protection, and all civil and criminal liability will be borne by the subscriber. It's up to the user.
Additionally, there may be restrictions on use of the service pursuant to Article 17 of the Terms of Use.
4. P2PCOIN can provide users with a variety of useful information about P2PCOIN's services and related services.

Article 8 (Application for use and rejection)
1. If the applicant for use of P2PCOIN accurately fills out the subscription form set by P2PCOIN and agrees to these terms and conditions, In principle, the use of the service is approved after going through the real name verification process stipulated in these terms and conditions.
2. P2PCOIN collects personal information and name through the mobile phone authentication method of a credit information company or credit information concentration agency in accordance with the law. By checking whether there is a match, a real name verification procedure is taken. For applications for which P2PCOIN cannot undergo real name verification procedures, We may request supporting documents from the applicant.
3. Users under the age of 19 cannot use the service, and some other services may be restricted.
4. P2PCOIN may refuse approval for application for use for the following reasons.
4.1 When P2PCOIN's real name verification process confirms that it is not a real name registration
4.2 If the name and personal information are the same as an already registered user
4.3 When a former user whose service agreement was terminated by P2PCOIN pursuant to Article 9 of these Terms and Conditions applies for reuse
4.4 A user who has received user qualification suspension from P2PCOIN in accordance with Article 17 of these Terms and Conditions may enter into a service agreement while the service is suspended. In case of voluntary cancellation and application for reuse
4.5 When a person under the age of 14 applies for use
4.6 If false information is entered in the required information required when applying for membership
4.7 When it is confirmed that the application for use is illegal or unfair
5.P2PCOIN may withhold approval for application for use in the following cases.
5.1 When there is no room for equipment
5.2 In case of technical difficulties
5.3 Other cases where P2PCOIN deems necessary based on reasonable judgment

Article 9 (Termination of Service Agreement)
1. Users may terminate the service agreement in accordance with the procedures set forth in these Terms and Conditions.
2. User termination
2.1 Users may terminate the service agreement at any time by notifying P2PCOIN of their intention to cancel.
However, the user must complete, withdraw or cancel all purchasing or selling procedures before notifying the user of the intention to cancel. You may express your intention to cancel. In this case, the buyer must bear the disadvantages resulting from withdrawal or cancellation of the sale.
2.2 The service agreement ends when the user's intention to terminate reaches P2PCOIN.
2.3 Users who have terminated their service pursuant to this paragraph shall continue to be users in accordance with the user registration procedure and related provisions stipulated in these Terms and Conditions. You can sign up again.
However, in accordance with Article 10, Paragraph 7 of these Terms and Conditions, if P2PCOIN re-registers within the period during which the user's information is preserved, the user may Reuse is possible only with the ID that was used.
3. Termination of P2PCOIN
3.1 P2PCOIN may terminate the service agreement for the following reasons.
In this case, P2PCOIN will notify the user of its intention to cancel by stating the reason for termination through e-mail, phone, or other methods.
However, P2PCOIN may provide the user with an opportunity to express his/her opinion regarding the reasons for termination in advance.
3.1.A) When it is confirmed that the user has reasons for refusing to accept the service agreement stipulated in Article 8, Paragraph 4
3.1.c) If the user commits an act that infringes on the rights, honor, credit, or other legitimate interests of P2PCOIN, other users, or others
3.1.d) When the user executes the service function provided by our company without actual intention to use the service
3.1.E) In case of stealing another person’s ID
3.1.F) Acts that violate the terms and conditions
3.2 The service agreement ends when P2PCOIN's intention to terminate reaches the user, but due to an error in the contact information provided by the user, If P2PCOIN is unable to notify you of your intention to cancel, it will end when P2PCOIN notifies you of your intention to cancel on My Page.
3.3 If P2PCOIN terminates the service agreement, P2PCOIN may cancel transactions related to the user without separate notice.
3.4 Any damage incurred in connection with the termination of the service agreement shall be borne by the user whose service agreement has been terminated. P2PCOIN does not take any responsibility.

Chapter 3 Protection of user information

Article 10 (Obligations of P2PCOIN)
1. In addition to the information provided by the user for the use contract, P2PCOIN discloses the purpose of collection or use to We can collect the information you need. In this case, P2PCOIN receives consent from the user to collect information.
2. If P2PCOIN receives the user's consent to collect information, P2PCOIN discloses the purpose of collection and use of the information to third parties. Matters related to the provision of information (recipient of the information, purpose of provision, content of the information provided) are specified or notified in advance. Even if a user agrees to provide information, he or she may withdraw that consent at any time.
3. P2PCOIN may receive personal information from users for smooth consultation and identity verification. If the user refuses this, there may be some restrictions on P2PCOIN's consultation.
4. P2PCOIN must faithfully respond to the user's information viewing and correction of incorrect information. Additionally, if there is a request for information correction from the user, P2PCOIN will not use the information until the error is corrected.
5. P2PCOIN discloses the user information collected by P2PCOIN at the time of information collection, except for information disclosed through service screens such as ID. Used for purposes other than the purpose of collection, purpose of use, smooth provision of services, and expansion of provided services, or without the consent of the relevant user. It is not provided to third parties.
However, the following cases are an exception, in which case P2PCOIN provides users with a method to view this information.
5.1 When laws allow the use of user information and provision of information to third parties
5.2 When there is a request to provide data pursuant to laws and regulations of government agencies such as the Communications Secrets Protection Act and the Value-Added Tax Act
6. P2PCOIN limits the number of administrators to a minimum to protect user information, and may cause damage due to P2PCOIN's intention or negligence. If user information is lost, stolen, leaked, forged, altered or damaged, the user will be held responsible for any resulting damages. I assume all responsibility.
7. When the service agreement is terminated, P2PCOIN in principle destroys the user's information. However, if it is in accordance with relevant laws and operating policies, it will be stored and destroyed accordingly. Detailed information follows the privacy policy.
8. P2PCOIN has a personal information processing policy regarding the protection and management of user information for users and P2PCOIN’s services. It is disclosed on the Internet site (http://p2pcoin.kr) so that those who wish to use it can find out.

Article 11 (User Obligations)
1. If a user wishes to provide information to P2PCOIN, he or she must provide it truthfully.
2. If the information provided at the time of application for use changes, the user must immediately revise the information. However, in principle, ID cannot be modified. Even if user information has changed, Any damage resulting from failure to reflect or incorrect information must be borne by the user.
3. ID and password (including various authentication numbers through the identity authentication service, hereinafter referred to as “password”) Management responsibility lies with the user, and the user may not transfer or rent the ID and password to others.
4. If the user becomes aware that their ID or password has been stolen or is being used by a third party; You must immediately notify P2PCOIN, and if there is any guidance from P2PCOIN, you must follow it.
5. Users must check P2PCOIN’s terms of use, operating policy, and notices from time to time. P2PCOIN will not bear any damages incurred.
6. Any asset loss resulting from loss or damage to the user's terminal that occurs during a transaction is the user's responsibility. P2PCOIN does not bear any recovery obligations in this regard.

Chapter 4 Use of Services

Article 12 (Maintenance and suspension of service)
1. P2PCOIN strives to maintain service provision facilities in operable condition at all times and When a failure occurs or the equipment is lost, it must be quickly repaired and restored.
2. P2PCOIN may stop providing services in the following cases.
2.1 In unavoidable cases due to construction, such as repair of service facilities
2.2 When the telecommunication service provider specified in the Telecommunications Business Act suspends telecommunication services
2.3 Due to national emergency, power outage, service facility failure, or surge in service use, etc. If there is a disruption in normal service use
3. P2PCOIN is not responsible for any damages suffered by users when service provision is interrupted due to any of the cases specified in Paragraph 2 above.

Article 13 (Suspension of Service)
P2PCOIN revises user qualifications when certain reasons for suspension occur to ensure the safety and reliability of transactions through the service. You can stop. Restrictions on service use are subject to the service operation policy established by P2PCOIN.

Article 14 (User level management)
1. P2PCOIN provides rating services to improve service reliability. However, the user's rating is only a reference for transactions and does not guarantee the user's credit or It does not mean financial credit status.
2. User ratings follow the service operation policy set by P2PCOIN.
2.1 It is divided into three levels of user levels according to the classification standards of P2PCOIN.
2.2 User ratings are reflected in real time according to the calculation criteria.
3. To improve service reliability, P2PCOIN uses user rating extraction method, rating schedule, You can change the benefits for each level.

Article 15 (Disclaimer of representation and warranty)
1. P2PCOIN only provides an online marketplace for transactions between users. We do not represent users who wish to sell or purchase coins. Additionally, no action by P2PCOIN is considered to be an action on behalf of the seller or buyer.
2. P2PCOIN expresses its intention to sell in relation to sales and purchases between users through the service. or the existence and authenticity of purchase intent, safety, legality, and non-infringement on the rights of others; We do not guarantee the veracity of the information entered by the user, and All risks and responsibilities must be borne by the user.
3. P2PCOIN does not control or restrict any information related to transaction postings posted by users. However, for P2PCOIN, the date of the posting has passed too long, so it is not relevant to the user's valid usage behavior. If it is judged that the number of posts has decreased, the posting can be deleted according to the date. The content of the information posted by the user infringes on the honor or rights of others, posts content unrelated to transactions, or violates legal regulations. If it is determined to be in violation, it may be deleted and other necessary measures may be taken.

Article 16 (Obligations of service users)
1. When using the service provided by P2PCOIN in the process of directly trading coins between users The user is responsible for any damage or loss resulting from false registration or registration that does not conform to the format prescribed by P2PCOIN.
2. If a dispute arises between the transaction parties while using the service, P2PCOIN will continue until the facts between the transaction parties are confirmed. Alternatively, provision of this service may be withheld until the relevant authorities make a decision.
3. The customer is responsible for any accidents that occur while using the service due to failure to understand safe transaction methods. Detailed safe transaction methods follow the service operation policy established by P2PCOIN.
4. Fees incurred in exchange for using functions and systems related to transaction convenience are borne by the selling user.
5. When transacting using the service, the user has determined on his or her own behalf that there is no risk from the transaction with the other party. In this case, the transaction takes place. Therefore, any transaction that occurs due to a transaction decided by the user using the service P2PCOIN is not responsible for any damage such as fraud.

Article 17 (User's Obligations)
Users bear all responsibility arising from their failure to comply with the service operation policy set by P2PCOIN.

Chapter 5 Service usage fee

Article 18 (Contents of Fees)
1. The fee charged by P2PCOIN is the system usage fee provided by P2PCOIN.
2. The ability to post a statement of intent for coin trading between users is free.
3. A service fee is charged when a transaction between users is successfully completed using the convenience functions provided by P2PCOIN.
- 2% of the transaction amount is charged to the seller, and the rate may change after prior notice through an in-app notice.

Article 19 (Method of collecting fees)
At the same time as the normal termination of users' transactions, the service use fee stipulated in Article 27 is charged. Collection is made by deducting and depositing money to the seller.

Chapter 6 Disclaimer, etc.

Article 20 (P2PCOIN Indemnification)
1. P2PCOIN simply provides users with an online transaction location and other additional information. Necessary post-processing, such as resolving disputes due to problems related to transactions between users through the service, is Users who are parties to the transaction must perform it themselves. P2PCOIN is not involved in this and assumes no responsibility.
2. P2PCOIN may be subject to natural disasters or equivalent force majeure, maintenance, inspection, replacement or breakdown of information and communication facilities, interruption of communication, etc. If we are temporarily or permanently unable to provide services, we will be exempt from liability for service provision. In this case, P2PCOIN notifies users by posting on the Internet site or mobile app screen provided by P2PCOIN or by other means.
3. P2PCOIN is not responsible for any disruption in service use due to Internet users or reasons attributable to the user.
4. P2PCOIN may cause user inconvenience due to errors or insufficiencies in coin transaction information and temporary servers traded through the service. We will do our best to avoid any possible losses, but due to the inability to use the service due to market price fluctuations during the period, We are not obligated to compensate users for any financial damage caused.
5. P2PCOIN allows users to check the accuracy of information and facts posted by other users. We are not responsible for any damage suffered due to trust.
6. P2PCOIN and connected P2PCOIN (refers to P2PCOIN that operates sites connected to P2PCOIN's service screen, link, partnership, etc.) It is operated independently.

Article 21 (Governing law and competent court)
The laws of the Republic of Korea apply to these Terms and Conditions, the service use agreement between P2PCOIN and users, and transactions between users. The interpretation and jurisdiction of the court shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Korea.

Article 22 (Use of bulletin board)
Among the services provided by P2PCOIN through mobile applications, the use of posts is subject to the regulations set by P2PCOIN. Follow the service operation policy.

Article 23 (Other Provisions)
1. P2PCOIN promptly handles complaints and opinions raised by users if it is judged to be legitimate. If immediate processing is difficult, the reason and processing period will be notified.
2. If you violate this service or experience any inconvenience while using the service, please contact P2PCOIN’s “Customer Center” Please use it.
3. Inquiry hours: 24 hours a day, 365 days
4. Inquiry response time: Monday~Friday, 10:00~18:00

Supplementary provisions

These terms and conditions will apply from July 20, 2024, and the previous terms and conditions will be changed to these terms and conditions.
- Terms of Use Effective Date: August 5, 2024

Definition of terms

- User: A person who has agreed to these terms and conditions, registered as a member, and entered into a service use agreement with P2PCOIN.
- ID: This refers to the email information set by the member and approved by P2PCOIN for the purpose of user identification and service use.
- Password: This refers to a combination of letters and numbers set by the member and approved by P2PCOIN for the purpose of confirming the user's identity and protecting member information.
- Seller: This refers to a user who has registered the relevant coin sale information in the form provided online by P2PCOIN with the intention of selling coins.
- Buyer: This refers to a user who has registered the relevant coin purchase information in the form provided online by P2PCOIN with the intention of purchasing coins.
- Direct Transaction: This refers to a transaction where the counterparty is known through a convenient function provided by P2PCOIN, and then the transaction is made directly outside the system without any relation to the service.
- Settings Screen: This refers to the service screen provided by P2PCOIN to quickly and conveniently check the relevant information, such as service usage history, for each user.
- User Grade: This refers to the transaction grade given to users based on certain criteria set by P2PCOIN when a sale or purchase is made between users.

Service Operation Policy
The following contents may be changed without prior notice due to changes in service operation circumstances or changes in P2PCOIN's policies.

Reward & Penalty Regulations

1. P2PCOIN may impose penalty points on sellers and buyers for the following reasons:
1.1 If the buyer does not transfer money to a bank account and the session ends
1.2 If the seller does not transfer coins and the session ends, the cash deposited in this case will be refunded to the buyer

2. If the buyer does not proceed with the bank account transfer during the user-to-user transaction, and the seller cannot proceed further, or if the buyer proceeds with the transfer but the seller does not express his/her intention to confirm the deposit, it is considered a deadlock.

Service Use Restriction Regulations
A. If it is determined that the safety and reliability of transactions through the service may be undermined, use of the service may be restricted.
B. P2PCOIN may restrict use of the service if it is determined that a user is causing damage to other users or may cause damage to other users by using the service.
C. The details of the service use restrictions are as follows.

Illegal acts and accident users / The company determines whether to lift the ban based on the conditions of problem resolution, sufficient explanation, and promise to prevent recurrence / Login restriction
Transaction suspension / 3 consecutive instances of unilateral transaction suspension (3 consecutive penalty points imposed) / Problem resolution, sufficient explanation, and promise to prevent recurrence / Restriction on coin transaction registration and sale/purchase applications
Transaction suspension / When direct transactions with a counterparty known through this service are detected / Problem resolution, sufficient explanation, and promise to prevent recurrence / Restriction on coin transaction registration and sale/purchase applications
Use suspension / Hacking-related, when registering under another person's (family member's) name / Problem resolution or identity verification / Restriction on coin transaction registration and sale/purchase applications

C. P2PCOIN may lift the service restriction by deducting all or part of the number of rejections in consideration of the user's credit score and other circumstances, if the user proves that the user had no choice but to refuse the transaction, or if the user proves that there was an agreement with the counterparty, or if the user's identity was verified through P2PCOIN's identity verification service.
D. In case of duplicate service restrictions, service restrictions may be lifted only if all service restriction conditions are met.